Thursday, June 28, 2012

"Many of youth or teenagers today are garbage".

"What do you mean by garbage?" I asked. "They dont have moral values anymore. Most of them have no more respect in our elder people and that includes our own culture. Many of them doesn't care or even care to think about their future. So many teen pregancy and teen abortion, teen crimes, teens with drug, tobacco and alcohol problem, etc. Instead of being at school or reading books and doing homework, you will see them in front of video games, in internet cafe, bars, or in any tambayan. They dont intend to be an independent person at early age that's why eventhough they are old enough to live by themselves, they still depends and lives under their parents house. When they think that they can.. they only end up a garbage outside his/her parents home."

This are the words that came from my co worker when we were havin a little discussion about youth and teenagers in philippines. It made me think.. although everything he said was true. Im not sure about "garbage". What do you think? Is the philippines teenagers today are garbage? There are so many Q's pop in my mind after hearing this.

Do you think that advertising plays an important role in how teenagers think? Do you think teenagers today have it 'too easy'?

Or maybe teenagers now have so much freedom. Do you think it's a good idea to give teenagers a lot of freedom?

What do you think is the greatest problems facing the teenagers of today? As a Parent..what do you think is the most important thing a parent can do for a teenager?

And for the final words..

As a teenager, what do you think you can contribute to society? And...

What is the best advice you could give to a teenager growing up in the culture mentioned above?