5 Common Problems of Teens

What are the five common problems of teenagers today?

First is peer pressure. In everyday of a teenager's life, they get to experience peer pressure in school and in their environment. Important decisions made by teenagers may be influenced by the strongest members of the group. During this time, they follow the trend. This is quite dangerous especially when you know as a parent that your child has bad friends. He or she might be influenced to do drugs and other vices. You have to keep your eye to him or her. 

Second is seeking independence. Teenagers want to be independent from their parents. They want to make decisions on their own. They choose what they like and what they want. They do not like to be treated as a child anymore. If they go out, they always want to be with their friends. This is very painful for the parents. But you cannot change it anymore. You can only keep your child safe by guiding him or her all the time and by securing him a pepper spray for protection whenever he goes out with his or her friends.

Third problem is mood swings. They experience sudden change of moods which is normal to them since they are experiencing physical changes.

Fourth is sex in the society. Sex is the most controversial issue that teenagers face during their years. Since they are curious, they want to try it. As a parent, you can educate your child about sex by telling him the sanctity of sex after marriage. A constant reminder to your child is helpful to keep his or her values.  Last problem is temper tantrums.

Fifth teenagers are rebellious in nature. If their parents don't grant what they want, they rebel by doing unlikely things to catch the attention of their parents. In this case, do not succumb to whatever your child demands. Just give what he or she needs. Incentives are good bribery for your child to do well in school and in whatever he does.

1 comment:

  1. i love what you wrote in here.. that's really true .. and i agree on you because i am a teenager also that sometimes i did not respect by older people and sometimes i spend my whole time in social networking sites and also in texting..
